XXTEA encryption

CMD tool for encrypting and decrypting files

My own implemention of a simple encryption system based on the XXTEA algorithm It's launched with the command prompt and 3 arguments: the operating mode, inputfile and password.

C++ code

            #include "stdafx.h"

            #define DELTA 0x9e3779b9

            #define MX (((z>>5^y<<2) + ( y >>3^z << 4 )) ^ ((sum^y) + (key[(p&3)^e]^z)))

            long btea(uint32_t *v, int n, uint32_t const key[4]) {
                unsigned long z = v[n - 1], y = v[0], sum = 0, e;
                long p, q;
                if (n > 1) {          /* Encoding */
                    q = 6 + 52 / n;
                    while (q-- > 0) {
                        sum += DELTA;
                        e = (sum >> 2) & 3;
                        for (p = 0; p> 2) & 3;
                        for (p = n - 1; p>0; p--) z = v[p - 1], y = v[p] -= MX;
                        z = v[n - 1];
                        y = v[0] -= MX;
                        sum -= DELTA;
                    return 0;
                return 1;

            void encryption(int argc, char ** argv)
                enum OperatingMode
                int offset = 1; 
                auto checkifCMD = argv[0]; 
                if (checkifCMD[0] == 'C' && checkifCMD[1] == ':')
                { //Supports launching with set arguments via vs or other script
                    std::cout << "is not from cmd" << std::endl; 
                    offset = 0;
                if (argc - offset < 1)
                    std::cout << "please enter enough arguments" << std::endl; 
                auto const modestr = argv[2 - offset];
                auto const filepath = argv[3 - offset];
                auto password = argv[4 - offset];

                //This cast is needed to make this comparision work in my compiler (.16.x). no need to cast if using a different compiler (like gcc or clang)
                if (static_cast(modestr) != "encrypt" && static_cast(modestr) != "decrypt")
                    std::cout << "first arg: " << modestr << std::endl;;
                    std::cout << "please enter encrypt or decrypt as first keyword" << std::endl;
                    return ;
                OperatingMode mode = OperatingMode::encrypt;
                if (static_cast(modestr) == "decrypt")
                    mode = OperatingMode::decrypt;
                if (strlen(password) > 16)
                    std::cout << "max password size exceeded" << std::endl; 
                uint32_t  keys[4];
                memcpy(keys, password, strlen(password)); //Keys

                std::ifstream fs; 
                if (!fs.is_open())
                    std::cout << "faled to open file: " << filepath << std::endl;
                    return ;

                //Initial size n
                //Adjust size newsize
                if (mode == OperatingMode::encrypt)
                    std::vector ToBeEncrypted;
                    while (!fs.eof())
                        ToBeEncrypted.push_back(fs.get()); //load data
                    int const n = ToBeEncrypted.size(); //Size of data 
                    int newsize = n; //Adjusted size 
                    int const paddingsize = 4 - (n % 4);
                    newsize = n + paddingsize;
                    for (int i = 0; i < paddingsize - 1; i++) //Random padding
                        ToBeEncrypted.push_back(static_cast(rand() % 126));
                    if (paddingsize > 0) //push padddingsize at back

                    btea((uint32_t*)&ToBeEncrypted[0], newsize / 4, keys); 	//Encrypt

                    //TODO OUTPUT:
                    std::ofstream ofstreamFile;
                    if (ofstreamFile.is_open())
                        for (auto i = 0; i < newsize; i++)
                            ofstreamFile << ToBeEncrypted[i];
                        std::cout << "failed to open output path :  " << filepath << std::endl; 

                    std::vector ToBeEncrypted;
                    while (!fs.eof())
                        ToBeEncrypted.push_back(fs.get()); //load data
                    int const newsize = ToBeEncrypted.size();
                    btea((uint32_t*)&ToBeEncrypted[0], -newsize / 4, keys);	//Decrypt
                    auto padsize = static_cast(ToBeEncrypted[newsize - 1]);
                    for (int i = 0; i < newsize - padsize ; i++) 	//Print decrypted 
                        std::cout << i + 1 << ":" << ToBeEncrypted[i] << " ";
                    std::ofstream ofstreamFile;
                    if (ofstreamFile.is_open())
                        for (auto i = 0; i < newsize - padsize; i++)
                            ofstreamFile << ToBeEncrypted[i];
                        std::cout << "failed to open output path :  " << filepath << std::endl;
                return ;
            int main(int argc, char ** argv)
                encryption(argc, argv);
